Church Maintenance Guidelines

The maintenance and upkeep of the equipment, building, and grounds is an essential part of the life of the congregation. This very important responsibility traditionally falls on the Junior Warden. Depending on the size and complexity of the facilities this can be a formidable task. The development of a routine maintenance program can, however, make this task less difficult.

The Strategic Planning Committee of the Board of Trustees is responsible for developing, implementing, and maintaining guidelines applicable to the specific needs of the organization and for assisting the Diocese and individual congregations in identifying, maintaining, and managing their respective physical assets.

The attached Church Maintenance Guidelines have been put together to assist in the development of a facility and equipment maintenance program. They are intended to be used as an aid in developing a routine maintenance schedule tailored to the needs of the facility. As such, not all of the aspects of the Church Maintenance Guidelines will apply to every setting.

The objective of these guidelines is to aid the Diocese and its individual congregations to be effective stewards of the resources God has given us. To that end, any and all comments and recommendations to improve these guidelines are welcome and encouraged, through the contact link on our website.


John Kearns

Strategic Planning Committee Chair, Board of Trustees

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