Official Diocesan Blog


Ash Wednesday & Lent are almost here. For some, this is is a familiar season & for others these practices are new. We thought we'd provide some explanations from a variety of sources on the significance and practice of Ash Wednesday & Lent.

From the ACNA Texts for Common Prayer:


What would the Church look like if its leaders discovered what God is calling them to do, and then do it?

Coaching raises the effectiveness of clergy and other leaders in their investment in others, and accelerates the goal-reaching process. Incorporate its skills into your personal and lay leadership development, and imagine the impact coaching could have on your congregation and community.

discipleship symposium

By Charles “Charley” Metcalf

Our Diocese, under the spiritual leadership of our Bishop, has launched a new initiative, The Discipleship Symposium, a series of three conversations - open to all parishes and their members, describes, discusses, and explains the process of discipleship. The first symposium, which attracted 45 enthusiastic clergy and lay participants, was
held this past August at Trinity School for Ministry in Ambridge, PA.


A new feature of Annual Convention 2017 was workshops. In total, 8 workshops were presented. Below is how one Lay Delegate experienced and responded to his experience in one of the workshops he attended. Look for more opportunities like this to be added to future conventions.

By. Dr. Eric Potter

advent candle

The decorations are up. Holiday songs are playing in all the stores. “It’s a Wonderful Life” is making its rounds through all the networks. So, it must be Christmas season.

However, the Church says, “Not yet, it is only Advent.” I realize that most of our culture rolls its collective eyes when we say that and accuses us of being party poopers. But, Advent is crucial to making sense of the world in which we live. Advent is the season of waiting.

women alive in christ

by Cindy Thomas

Sing, Daughter Zion; shout aloud, Israel!
Be glad and rejoice with all your heart,
Daughter Jerusalem!

These words from Zephaniah 3:14 bring sweet memories to those who attended the Women’s Blessing on Saturday, July 15, 2017.  Through the anointing of our Bishop Jim and Mama Shari Hobby, we experienced a captivating three-fold Blessing.

nepal selfie

By Christine Jones

Can you imagine being raised believing God is not for you because you were born into a lower societal station? “Because of the caste system, there is the belief that they do not deserve the life that God desires for them to have,” says Rev. Lewis Lew.


The Greek word for “disciple” means “learner.” But, what kind of learning is involved in being a disciple of Jesus? Is it the kind of learning whose focus is knowing about a subject (for example, math or world history) and ends up with a clear understanding of ideas (and maybe class notes and academic degrees)? Or is it the kind of learning whose focus is on knowing how to do something (for example, cooking, painting, throwing a baseball, etc.) and ends up with a set of skills?