Official Diocesan Blog

GAFCON Updates

Members of our ADP delegation to GAFCON—the Global Anglican Future Conference that took place April 17-21 in Kigali, Rwanda—reported back each day with updates, reflections, and photos. If you haven't seen them yet, you can catch up on each day of the conference on our Facebook page.

Pray for GAFCON

“GAFCON remains central to the unified global witness of biblically faithful Anglicanism." 

Good Friday and Easter message

"It is very easy for us to become too identified with our sin, our pain, our loss, and our trauma without understanding the fullness of the power of the resurrection. While Jesus identifies with us on Good Friday in our sinfulness, He takes us up into His resurrection on Easter Sunday." 

We pray you enjoy a blessed Good Friday and Easter. Looking for an Anglican church near you? Visit our church finder at

An Invitation to Join Us in Holy Week

"The celebration of Easter is robbed of something if we do not take the opportunity to enter into lament... I want to invite us all, particularly during Holy Week, to gather and pray together as we observe and walk with Jesus through his betrayal and death, into the joy of the resurrection."

Bishop Alex on How to Approach Intercessory Prayer

“It is my conviction that when we ask things of God, God acts. God hears. Jesus told us, 'Ask and you shall receive. Seek and you shall find.' Our anticipation as we pray is to a God who is hearing us, who wants to come to us, who wants to respond. Will he always respond in the way we specifically ask? Why, no. But it is my conviction that he is always responding.” 

Bishop Alex on Two Enemies of Prayer
"If prayer is a conversation and not a monologue, how is it that I listen? How do I hear from God?” 
Types of Prayer and How Delight in the Lord Might Improve Our Health

“Awe is a pathway to physical and mental health.” 

Bishop Alex continues his series on prayer with a video about various types of prayer and how being in a state of awe and worship might lead us to better physical and mental health. Which type of prayer could you use more of in your daily time with God?


An Invitation to Pray with Us

On Tuesday, March 14, we will begin a pilot project of weekly prayer at the diocesan office. All are welcome to join us at 8:30 a.m. each Tuesday throughout Lent and into the Easter season for a short service of Holy Eucharist and to pray for mission in the congregations across our diocese.

Church of the Savior - mortgage burning

On February 12, Church of the Savior in Ambridge, PA, held a ceremony to burn their now-paid-off mortgage papers in the alley behind their church. This financial feat was made possible by a capital campaign initiated in 2017, which raised over $350,000 in just five years—45% coming from Church of the Savior’s members and the remainder from outside donors—enough to fund much-needed upgrades to the building and to pay off the remainder of their $404,000 mortgage years earlier than expected.